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初二英语第三单元范文大全(7篇) -2024欧洲杯投注官网

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初二英语第三单元范文大全 第1篇

“books are the ladder of human progress”, this is a famous saying of golgi, we should be no one know no one knows all. some people think that reading is a distress thing, but i'm not, i think reading is very happy, and feel good.

one saturday morning, i got up early, take a book from a bookcase the submarine two miles “. read with relish, unconsciously followed the author came to the sea world, adventure together with him. under the force of the submarine huge propeller, we across the pacific, atlantic ocean, indian ocean, and finally arrived in antarctica. when we want to return, i heard someone shouting. i thought the author, a turn back in the real world, was originally called my mom to eat breakfast, my fascination with books too. after breakfast, i picked up his book again. follow the author through the english channel, came to the world's lowest place of the mariana trench. captain finally because of waterspouts and lost contact, back to the real life.

reading let me understand a lot of truth, a lot of knowledge, it's nice to read.

八年级的英语作文(五)i regret about it

in my mind, there is one thing that really make me regret it.

that day, a beautiful, sunny, clear blue skies. the weather is so good, i was very sad. because - it was the last day of the sixth grade, not only i a person very sad, i am the teacher and classmates are also very sad. we want to different secondary school, may never see again in the future. although sad, but also very happy - and put a lesson for the summer. the summer vacation. we can no longer primary school students, is a qualified middle school students.

”ding ding ding...“ in class, we all quiet, waiting for the arrival of the teacher. the teacher come, or so, so dress, hairstyle. we said ”good teacher“. the teacher said, ”this is the last class, i wrote a speech:“ the classmates, hello. how time flies, has been six years... i finished the speech, thank you. '” suddenly boiling up class, clapping a and a. soon after school, the teacher let us pick up the bag. again told us: “go home to study well, pay attention to the water, electricity, the use of fire, do it ourselves, to help parents to share some of what things...” ding ding ding “, and the school. together we surrounded the teacher walked out of the building. in the street, we destroyed, each looking for mom, back to their homes.

got home, i didn't remember i made a low-level and great mistake - and teachers solemnly say goodbye.

i regret about it, i remember in my heart.

初二英语第三单元范文大全 第2篇

一、“there be”句型

“there is / are 某物/某人 某地/某时”表示“某地/某时有某物/某人。”(某物/某人,单数用is,复数用are)。如:

there is a hotel on the street. 在街上有一个旅馆。

其否定句为:there isn't a hotel on the street.

其一般疑问句为:is there a hotel on the street?

其答语为:yes , there is. / no, there isn't.



1. the hotel is on center street. (on,在……上面) 旅馆在中心大街上。

2. the hotel is next to the post office. (next to,在……旁边) 旅馆在邮局的旁边。

3. the hotel is in front of the post office.(in front of,在……前面) 旅馆在邮局的前面。

4. the hotel is behind the post office.(behind,在……后面) 旅馆在邮局的后面。

5. the hotel is across from the post office.(across from,在……对面) 旅馆在邮局的对面。

6. the hotel is between the post office and thelibrary. (between ... and ... 在……与……之间)



where is the hotel? 旅馆在哪里?(问路的另一句型)


go straight 直走 go down / along 沿着……走

turn left / right 向左/右转 go through 穿过

the way to ... 去……的路 pass 经过

take a taxi 乘出租车 arrive at / in 到达……

初二英语第三单元范文大全 第3篇

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived ?

teaching goals (教学目标)

: barber shop , well , bathroom , accident , earth , silence , playground , around , strange , kitchen , modern , follow , shirt .

, while 引导的时间状语从句。





important and difficult points:(教学重难点)

, while 引导的时间状语从句。 2.学习过去进行时态。

teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .


teaching procedures(教学步骤) :

step 1 leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

and free-talk . the homework(家庭作业) .

the words in unit 2 .

step 2 pre-task(任务前活动)sb page 18 , 1a .

to the sentences .read the sentences .explain what each one means .

at the picture .point out the six people .match the statements with the people in the picture .

the answers .

reading .

step 3 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 18 , 1b .

the instructions .make sure the ss understand what they should do .

at the dialogue in the picture .


过去进行时态的构成: was / were doing .


i was standing in front of the library when the ufo arrived .

the tape twice . circle the correct responses . the answers .

step 4 post-task(任务后活动)

talk about what people were doing when the ufo arrived .

step 5 while-task(任务中活动)sb page 19 , 2a .

the sentences .make sure the ss understand what they mean .

the tape twice .order these statements .

the tape again ,correct the answers .

sb page 19 , 2b .

the instructions . the recording .write “when” or “while” on each line .

the recording again ,correct their answers .

notice: when / while

※ when comes before a quick action that happens only once .the word “while” comes from an action that continues for some time .

step 6 post-task(任务后活动)sb page 19 , 2c .

ort the picture .ask what each person is doing .

: ask “what was …doing when the ufo arrived ?”

a group to say its conversation to the class .

step 7 grammar focus

review the grammar box by asking some students to read the sentences .

homework(家庭作业) :

over the words in this unit


① they were talking the phone .

② i was he barber’s chair .

③ the boy was walking the street when a ufo landed .

④ i had a very unusual experience sunday .

⑤ the alien visited the museum flight .


初二英语第三单元范文大全 第4篇

be outgoing爱抛头露面

short hair短发

more athletic更健美


the same as 同……一样

lots of许多

look the same看起来一样

be good at /do well in 擅长 …

make 使……发笑

3 centimeters taller高了三厘米

i'm more outgoing than my sister.我比我妹妹更爱出风头。

he has shorter hair than sam.他的头发比山姆的短。

tom is more athletic than sam.汤姆比山姆更健美。

liu ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘莹不如她姐姐擅长体育。

both girls go to lots of parties.两个女孩都参加了许多晚会。

in some ways we look the same,and in some ways we look different•在某些方面,我们看起来一样,在某些方面,我们看起来不同。

my good friend is good at schoolwork.我的好朋友爱好干学校事务。

i think a good friend makes me laugh.我认为好朋友会使我发笑。

i'm about 3 centimeters taller now.我现在(比以前)高了3厘米。

初二英语第三单元范文大全 第5篇

the day after tomorrow 后天

the science report科学报告

can you come to my party on wednesday? 你星期三能来参加我的晚会吗?

sorry。i can' have a piano lesson. 对不起,我不能。我要上钢琴课。

'd love to.当然,我愿意。

i'm playing soccer.我在踢足球。

i have too much homework(to do) this weekend .这个周末我有太多家庭作业(要做)。

i have to go to the doctor.我得去看医生。

on thursday,i'm studying for a test.周四,我要备考。

i can't join you because i have to help my mom• 我不能参加,因为我要帮我妈妈干活。

i'm having a piano lesson the day after tomorrow•后天我要上钢琴课。

can you come over to my house to discuss the science report'你能来我家讨论这份科学报告吗?

初二英语第三单元范文大全 第6篇





初二英语第三单元范文大全 第7篇

outgoing ['a?tɡ????] adj.外向的

better ['bet?(r)] adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地

loudly ['la?dli] adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地

quietly ['kwa??tli] adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地

hard-working [hɑ?d'w??k??] adj.勤勉的;努力工作的

competition [?k?mp?'t??n] n.竞争;比赛

fantastic [f?n't?st?k] adj.极好的;了不起的

which adj.哪一个;哪一些pron.哪一个;哪些

clearly ['kl??li] adv.清楚地;显然地

win [w?n] v.赢;赢得;获胜;获得n.胜利

though conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过

care about关心

talented ['t?l?nt?d] adj.有才能的;有天赋的

truly ['tru?li] adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地

care [ke?(r)] v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎

serious ['s??ri?s] adj.严肃的;严重的;庄重的

mirror ['m?r?(r)] n.镜子;反映

necessary ['nes?s?ri] adj.必要的;必然的

both [b??θ] adj.两者都pron.两者

should [??d] aux.应该;可能;应当;将要

touch [t?t?] vt.触摸;感动

reach [ri?t?] v.到达;伸出;达成;取得联系;延伸;(伸手)去够

heart [hɑ?t] n.心脏;内心

fact [f?kt] n.事实;真相;实际

break [bre?k] v.打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断

laugh [lɑ?f] v.发笑;笑;嘲笑 n.笑声;笑;笑料

similar ['s?m?l?(r)] adj.类似的

share [?e?(r)] vt.分享,共享;分配;共有

loud [la?d] adj.大声的;adv.大声地;响亮地

primary ['pra?m?ri] adj.最初的,最早的

be different from和...不同

information [??nf?'me??n] n.信息;情报;资料;通知

as long as只要

bring out拿出;推出

the same as与...同样的

in fact事实上;实际上;确切地说

be similar to类似于;与...相似







